

Fluid Film | Influencer Blitz

by mike freeman on 5 June 2021

Fluid Film has enjoyed a cult-like following among auto-body professionals for generations, particularly in the snowy Northeast United States where winter road salt wreaks havoc on undercarriages. The highly effective rust preventive and lubricant is typically used for undercoating, but Fluid Film wanted to expand its audience beyond the automotive industry. With trade shows canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the company decided to invest in a digital marketing campaign. However, past digital campaigns hadn’t produced the awareness leaders hoped for. “Larger companies have a cookie-cutter approach to marketing and simply outspend the competition,” said James Crosby, sales and marketing manager. “We realized what works for a multi-billion-dollar company doesn’t work for us.”


Fluid Film enlisted the help of Freeman Communications to plan and coordinate a social influencer marketing campaign. Focusing primarily on Instagram and several influencers from TikTok and YouTube, we reached out to popular content creators in the automotive, marine, landscaping and tool spaces. Each influencer received several “rattler cans” of Fluid Film. More than 35 key influencers with a combined audience of 1.7 million people posted about Fluid Film during the three-month campaign. The company saw a 25 percent increase in its follower count, and positive reviews continued coming in for months. “Freeman Communications offered a flexible approach. We were able to create the program and tweak it as we went along,” Crosby said. “Compared to our past digital campaigns, this was so much easier, and the impact was much bigger.”